Friday, 19 September 2014

Week 2

Last week I learned about an interesting technique for problem-solving developed by George Polya. It consists of 4 distinct steps whose primary purpose is to allow for a systematic deconstruction of any generic problem into more manageable components. These steps involve, broadly; understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and finally reflecting on the entire problem-solving process. Of particular interest to me is the final step-- reflection. It seems as though this step would be the most useful in improving ones general problem-solving ability for one very simple reason: the more problems you solve, in any context, the greater your intellectual toolbox will be in future bouts of problem-solving. Each unique problem that is solved will almost always contain some nuggets of knowledge (whether that be the specific solution set to a problem, or a general methodology) that can be extracted and potentially applied to any number of alternate problems.

A standard (haphazard) problem-solving approach, while also potentially effective in producing a solution, seems like it would be inherently worse than a Polya's approach (involving reflection) as there is no residual carry-over of knowledge from problem to problem. After all, I don't know who could possibly find it fun to solve multiple problems that are fundamentally similar in nature from scratch each and every time. Not only is it not fun it's a complete waste of time.

Whether or not this technique turns out to be as useful as I make it out to be is has yet to be seen. I will try to apply it and share my experiences in a couple of weeks.. until next time!